Automotive Manufacturer Reduces Lead Acquisition Costs with LeadVerifier


Anchor’s LeadVerifier is designed to validate, correct, enhance and score the quality of leads captured in real-time allowing subscribers to leverage data and be quicker to market.

Leveraging the most current, accurate, and comprehensive data, LeadVerifier provides the following benefits:

Verification:  Ensure that an individuals postal, email telephone and demographic data is valid.

Fraud Prevention: Reduce fraud by verifying the last four digits of a social security number.

Marketing Savings:  Eliminate undeliverable mail, email and other channel costs by eliminating unresponsive promotions.

Accurate Reach: Increase lead volume and conversions with accurate data.

Lead Quality: Eliminate duplicate or repetitive leads.

Profile Enrichment: Improve lead profiles by appending demographic information and defining specific audiences.

Omnichannel Opportunities: Support outreach across multiple channels by appending phone, wireless, email, and address data.

Personalization: Provide a better customer experience and retention through targeted personalization.


In the automotive industry, more than 90% of car buyers use the internet for research and to request price quotes, but the majority still complete their purchases in person at dealerships. Verifying that the contact data provided by car shoppers is accurate and complete is both time-consuming and costly for dealerships. Sales teams often face frustration and financial loss when following up on leads with fictitious names, incorrect phone numbers, invalid email addresses, and inaccurate mailing information.

This auto manufacturer aimed to reduce the time and resources spent on contacting leads with erroneous data. The objective was to improve lead quality, speed up response times, and ultimately increase sales by ensuring that only accurate and verified leads were pursued.

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To achieve these goals, the manufacturer implemented LeadVerifier across registration forms for quote requests and test drives on both their own and third-party auto lead vendors’ websites. After prospects entered their contact information, the data was processed through LeadVerifier’s postal, email, and phone address database.

The verification process took just seconds, ensuring that the information submitted by car shoppers was accurate before being passed on to dealers. Leads that failed verification due to inaccurate or erroneous information were returned to third-party lead vendors.


The strategy involved integrating LeadVerifier into the existing lead generation and processing systems. This integration allowed for real-time verification of leads as they were submitted, ensuring that only high-quality leads were forwarded to dealerships for follow-up.

By eliminating inaccurate and duplicate leads early in the process, the manufacturer was able to streamline their sales operations, reduce time wasted on bad leads, and focus on genuine prospects.


With LeadVerifier, the manufacturer successfully delivered higher-quality leads to their dealerships. This improvement led to increased closing ratios, reduced lead acquisition costs, and a significant boost in overall marketing ROI.

Other Industries That Can Benefit from LeadVerifier™

1. Financial Services

2. Insurance

3. Real Estate

4. Healthcare

5. E-Commerce and Retail

6. Telecommunications