Omnichannel Marketing Automation Platform

An affordable and cost-effective method to manage all your marketing data, and create segmented targeted campaigns across multi-channels in a few clicks of your mouse.

Omnichannel marketing automation platform is made easy because of our open systems structure. ANCHOR provides our clients with the capability to perform database marketing analysis and campaign management directly against their complete database utilizing many ODBC compliant analytical programs. Many campaign management platforms in the marketplace are both inflexible and complicated to learn, our solution provides our clients a very robust and easy-to-use platform.

Ease of Use

Typical users are non-technical marketing personnel, and our customized interface can be run from your desktop. Its intuitive database query software, designed specifically for campaign management and marketing queries, connects to practically any relational platform.

As user-friendly as it is, the platform has a very wide range of options, supporting campaigns of much greater complexity than other campaign management tools. It operates directly against transactional data and performs aggregates “on the fly”. The user is not limited to pre-determined aggregate data. We also provide hands on training and ongoing support, assigning an account and production manager to work closely with our clients.


Our solution provides access to all fields in the database, supports user-defined expressions and functions, and allows for “includes and excludes”. It supports a variety of campaign definition data such as package and creative codes and contains a rich feature set for splitting, nth-ing and key coding.

Omnichanel Marketing Key Features

  • Multiple segment selections in a single process.
  • Post Campaign Analysis.
  • Full support for User Defined Joins.
  • Interactive Data Mining & Custom Reporting.
  • Ranked Nth‘s.
  • Automated Date Calculations.
  • Advanced Formula Builder.

Our Solution allows the user to:

  • Omit or include records based on data elements or previously selected for another campaign
  • Build summary data such as “Lifetime Value” on the fly
  • Control maximum number of records output for business or household campaigns
  • Save standard suppression criteria to insure default queries are applied across all campaigns
  • Split cells into control and test cells based on data elements within the database
  • Automatically updates database with Campaign, Segment and Promotional History data to facilitate response analysis reporting
  • Utilize metadata for selection/data display

Promotion Tracking

ANCHOR’s custom database design incorporates the ability within the system to store and maintain promotion history data for response and analytical purposes. Metadata for each promotion can be stored at the campaign and marketing segments levels as well as maintaining a record of each individual marketed within the promotion.