Email Deployment

Anyone can blast out an email deployment, but doing it properly requires expertise

Email marketing provides one of the best ROIs of all the marketing channels available. If a large percentage of the messages are not being successfully delivered to their intended destination, then all the personalization, creativity and segmentation in the world will make little difference in the results.

Nearly 1 in 4 emails do not land in the intended Inbox. There are so many ways a message can get lost in transit – spam filters, content filters, address book routing problems, DNS problems. At the end of the day, the goal of getting the right message to the right people needs to be a priority.

Consumer Email Database

Maximize Delivery

ANCHOR has constantly improved the way we deploy and deliver email. Here are just a few of the steps we include to maximize delivery.

  • Advice on the subject lines and all aspects of your message to maximize the probability of delivery across all the ISPs. The ISP filters are always changing and we are constantly adjusting to stay current
  • We follow the industry best practices to protect your domains and IP reputation
  • Campaign preview to know how your campaign will render in the various email applications and correct any problems before sending your message
  • Blacklist monitoring to make sure your deliverability is not being affected by a possible placement on a blacklist and if so, helping you get removed

Email Tracking & Reporting

After the email message has been delivered, it’s critical to monitor the results as quickly and as accurately as possible. We will provide detailed reports to indicate exactly who receives and opens your communications and what follow up actions were taken. You can very easily evaluate effectiveness by tracking real-time performance metrics including; unsubscribes, soft or hard bounces, replies, forwards, opens, click-throughs. Our system allows for seamless integration into a campaign management tool, where you can track conversions to sales and other metrics at your site.

A signed Email Data Services PAF (Processing Acknowledgement Form) is required prior to processing.

Email Deployment Features & Benefits

  • Review your email deployment message to assist in CAN-Spam compliance
  • Flexible platform to maximize delivery
  • Adherence to all leading ISPs best practices to protect our clients
  • Dedicated customer support at every stage of the process